Sunday 20 March 2016


 Dear TMB readers, good morning and welcome to today's edition of breakfast motivation......
  If you are having this feeling about something or someone perhaps  physically or spiritually somewhere being the reason why you are not making any head way in life, then don't conclude 
 yet until you finish reading through this.
 spirituality is not an overlook able factor, however you should still carefully examine your life and attitude before concluding that your problem is spiritual. Napoleon Hill made us understand that negative beliefs and attitude have proven  to be severely self destructive to the person harbouring them. In his word he said  '' There are millions of people who believe themselves  ''DOOMED '' to poverty and failure because of some strange forces over which they believe they have no control . They are the creators of their own  " MISFORTUNE" due to the negative belief adapted by their subconscious  mind which has also manifested into their physical life".


Negativity can be a very destructive factor in a person's life. Bear in mind that whether  you say you can or you say you cannot, you are right because it is all up to you . If you do not push yourself ,nobody will push you. The difference between your possibilities and your impossibilities all lies within you. The greatest  victory you can ever have is the victory over yourself ( your negativity ), a man who conquers himself is greater than a man who conquers  a thousand soldiers.


 According to Napoleon Hill again, both riches and poverty are the offspring of your thought for there are no limitations  to your mind and possibilities except those which you acknowledge and accept.
You are the architect of your own destiny, the prisoner of your own identity imprisoned in the walls of your own creations. You are never a failure until you find someone or something to blame for your failure.  

 The next time you look through the mirror take note of the fact that the person you will see is your best friend and at the same time your worst enemy. YOU ARE YOUR OWN MAKER  AND YOU ARE YOUR OWN BREAKER so you choose who you will always be to yourself because it is all up to you.     



Dear TMB reader. if you have any issue or opinion  as regard the clarity or understanding of what you have just read, feel free to state it in the comment section and we will clarify you via same means .

If you however wish to get advice as regard an idea in your mind or a  conflicting issues in your success life, you can reach out to our team of success and motivational consultant  by sending us an email to TOPWAYMOMENTUM@GMAIL.COM.

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